Bringing people and organisations together


We are your trusted partner


Coming from a background as HR-responsible in various American owned companies, I run my own HR and recruitment agency where we help small and medium sized companies without HR or with a lack of resources. We’re specialized in HR, career counseling and communication for instance employer branding on social media. In order to create long term solutions we take pride in researching and understanding your situation, organization, employees and purpose. We deliver HR solutions in a practical, adapted and pragmatic way; meaning that we spend time on getting to know your need before we scale, prioritize and put together the service.


Are you searching for a job or curious about what possibilities the job market offer? Then we are also your career advisor, who helps you on your way. We offer sparring to you in your pursuit of a new position and we also offer advice for a specific position.


We believe that relations develop the way we work together. With our expertise we create and develop relations internally as well as externally in and with companies.


We share and use our knowledge and experience with you.
In this way we create solid solutions and results adapted to your company or you who are searching for a new job.


Our processes have been used in various companies.
They are built on theory and practical use, scaled to you and your needs.


We deliver the best HR-solutions in a practical, adapted and pragmatic way. We spend time on understanding your need and then we scale and prioritize the service.

With us as trusted career advisor you get sparring and clarification help meanwhile we proactively create contact to companies and network.

Never Surrender To Ordinary And Make Room For The Extraordinary.

After many years in corporate HR, where I found myself turning more and more into a corporate puppet. I needed to push pause. I knew I could add so much more value for others, if I dared breaking free and had the courage to deliver HR, how I see it making a difference to companies using my saved up experience and use it actively. If gotten the chance I could use what works and what doesn’t using this experience and becoming a trusted advisor and practical HR. This is what I do.

We spend time getting to know you and your business, scaling and tailoring after your needs. When I think about effective processes in HR, it has always been a means to free time to what is really important: the people. We need to spend time hiring the right people, develop them so that they want to stay and develop us.


Let us do your HR and recruitment


In a smaller company you may not have time to focus too much energy on getting the right candidates onboard. Nevertheless it is THE most important priority you have to make, if you want to make it and grow as a company. Or maybe you are a smaller company growing and maturing needing to organize and structure your HR-processes.

It could be that you need to get your employer brand communicated in order to attract candidates as well as clients. Perhaps you could use us to handle and create your social media content, participate in job fairs or interact with schools and universities.

Our priority no. 1 is to deliver the best quality to you by understanding your need. We have our hands on the process from beginning to end where we help you onboarding happy candidates as well as long term HR solutions.

Send us an email or call, if you are interested in talking about possibilities and which solutions suit you the best – we’re always ready to help.


Because you have talent!


Getting your first job, changing job or being stuck in your career can be difficult. It is often challenging and stressful working on your next career path. It is a very personal process and we work closely together with you  understanding your competencies, but also what gives you energy. We work proactively with your meaning and purpose. We will make a plan and agree how the process will be. It has to be a fun and motivating learning process working with one’s career, job search or change of direction.


Recognize the Power of Recognition

Do you tell your employees, colleagues and boss how much you appreciate their work? How you enjoy working with them? How talented they are? How much better you think things are because they're part of your team? How much your think they add value to the business? The...

How are you doing?

Simple – yet so powerful Do you take the time to listen? And do you know that you can gain so much insight into the other person by taking time to hear them out? In my opinion if you ask someone: “How are you doing?” No matter what, be prepared to hear them out. Make...

Best of You – What’s your Superpower?

When are you the best version of you? Have you thought about it lately? Freedom is my superpower. Free to schedule my day, free to make decisions about my life, free to do what I like work with. When I feel free I’m the absolute best version of me. When I’m my best...

Year-End and New Year 2018 in HR

We are closing in on the last weeks of December and it is time to prepare a great start of 2018. In my years in HR in corporations I've tried to plan as many things I could before Christmas vacations, but fortunately the work is still there when I've returned on...


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Tel: 0045 26353017



CVR: 38632027

Tel: 0045 26353017

Copyright © 2021 Bjerregaard